Important Info

  • Read the lease before you sign. Once signed, you have agreed to everything in it.
  • If you’re 18, your signature is legally binding, whether your cosigner falls through or not.
  • Get everything from the property in writing before you sign and while you live there. Verbal agreements are not legally binding.
  • View the property before you sign anything. Visit once during the day and once at night.

Application and Security Deposit


Many properties require completing an application and submitting an application fee, which shows your interest in the property. We suggest not filling out an application and pay the fee unless you are really interested in the property. Application fees are typically $25-$200 and nonrefundable.

Security Deposit

This deposit cannot exceed the amount of one month’s rent. There may be additional fees, such as a pet deposit if you intend on having a pet. If eligible for a refund, the landlord has 60 days after the end of the lease to return your deposit. Leave a forwarding address so that your deposit can be mailed to you. If there are damages to the property that you are responsible for, your landlord must send you an itemized report of the damages and a receipt of the cost.